

We tailor our services to suit the requirements of each project we are involved with. Our design services carry through from project inception to completion. We highly value the personal exchange of ideas with the project team at all stages of design and implementation, and see this as an integral part of the ongoing design process. We approach each project on an entirley individual basis using methods we feel are best suited to fulfilling the brief.

© Light and Design


Light + Design are a higly creative practice with an in-depth technical knowledge of luminaires and control systems. Our concept work is supported by computer aided graphics,sketches, image presentations and calculations. With this approach we are able to develop and communicate a visual understanding of the project prior to specification, installation and commissioning.


Where it is applicable we will carry out lighting trials and build working mock-ups. If a luminaire cannot be found that is suitable for application we can undertake product design.


As part of a comprehensive lighting design package, We are able to provide detail design drawings, as well as specifications, and schedules for construction purposes. We are also able to undertake Part L Calculations, emergency lighting calculations, and cost analysis. We offer support during the installation of lighting systems, as well as commisioning and ongoing evaluation of the scheme. Once a project has been completed we are available for technical support, and are happy to assist where we may be required.


© Light and Design